Mizrahi Heritage Month is over, and it feels a bit sad. A month long party of celebrating (and the solemn part) commemorating my Iraqi Jewish roots with the rest of... read more →
Winner of the Jewish Women's Poetry Prize. Available to Read on Harbor Review Online on the 16th December - https://www.harbor-review.com/this-is-why-we-dont-look-back
So happy to be presenting Shoham's Bangle at this special Jewish Kidlit Author Showcase, along with amazing other authors. In celebration of Jewish Book Month and Hanukkah, our Fall 2022... read more →
Ronny Someck was born in Baghdad in 1951 and came to Israel as a child. He has published 14 volumes of poetry and has written two books for children with his daughter... read more →
It’s been two weeks since Shoham’s Bangle's release and I’ve really loved all the feedback I’ve been receiving. My best is when people of Iraqi Jewish descent tell me they wish they... read more →
The Academy is thrilled and proud to bring you the latest book written by one of our faculty – Sarah Sassoon! Sarah has just published Shoham’s Bangle, a children’s picture... read more →
It's so wonderful and exciting to have Shoham's Bangle released this week. I have some lovely family fun events coming up to read, discuss and enjoy the Iraqi Jewish story... read more →
So pleased to have this poem Let Us Talk about the Blood - about how we talk to our boys, how we grow up men, in this November issue of... read more →
Here I write about the inspiration for my children's picture book Shoham's Bangle. Check it out on Kar-Ben Author Blog Posts.