So pleased to read my piece "Counting Stones at the Bottom of the Tigris River" from Jerusalem (Saturday night) for Invisible City Literary Magazine's Live Issue 5 - Live Reading... read more →
Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Joe Samuels in Los Angeles. Joe is an author and businessman, but more importantly for me, a fellow Jewish Iraqi. In his nineties,... read more →
Sarah is releasing a brand new platform to share her work with all of you.
Join us for a special conversation on how literature awakens memory & Jewish Arabic identity with featured guest Almog Behar & MC Sarah Sassoon.
Jerusalism invites you to a poetry reading and conversation, featuring acclaimed Mizrahi, Israeli poet, podcast host and musician Shlomi Hatuka with MC Sarah Sassoon. The event will be held in-person... read more →
Shoham wears a golden bangle on her wrist, just like her Nana Aziza. Their bangles jingle when they cook, and glitter in the sun. When Shoham and her family must... read more →
I need to visit the butcher and order a whole chicken. I need to explain to the butcher that the wholechicken must be left with enough skin so I can... read more →
The olives are blossoming, or do I write blooming, or just plain growing. Still too small and greento pick, but there. Just as it has grown too hot, and the... read more →
It’s not every day you win an award, and I’m learning to relish every happy step of the journey, every affirmation which says, I may be obsessed but I’m on... read more →