This is an essay I wrote for the Jewish Press about what it is to be a Jewish mother in Jerusalem in these devastating times. How our children see that... read more →
This was a painful essay to write. I am very grateful to the editors of Scoundrel Time for working with me, and publishing this piece. Especially during such a devastating... read more →
I am very grateful to Lilith Magazine for publishing this poem - From the River to the Sea, from my award winning micro-chapbook published by Harbor Review online, This is... read more →
This is an essay I wrote for the Jewish Press about what it is to be a Jewish mother in Jerusalem in these devastating times. How our children see that... read more →
Joy is our most profound act of resilience. Here's my response to what is going on now in Israel. Thank you to Consequence Forum for publishing this piece - When... read more →
Joy is our most profound act of resilience. Here's my response to what is going on now in Israel. Thank you to Consequence Forum for publishing this piece - When... read more →
Here is a blog post I wrote for Kar-Ben Publishing about what is happening here in Israel. It's been a devastating time but we have each other.
Here is a blog post I wrote for Kar-Ben Publishing about what is happening here in Israel. It's been a devastating time but we have each other.
I really enjoyed this conversation with JNS journalist, Orit Arfa where we discussed special Iraqi Jewish Sukkot customs and Shabbat candles. Jewish traditions which go all the way back to... read more →