Ayouni is a poem in the latest issue of Yad Mizrah Magazine RESIST - reflecting on my Iraqi Jewish two grandmothers - the tension and conflict of light and darkness,... read more →
Recently I taught a Food & Memory Writing Workshop. I based it on my grandmother's cheese sambusek. The memories it evoked are of an Iraqi Jewish world that once existed;... read more →
7 April, Sunday, Searching for the Iraqi Jewish Voice I’m looking forward to speaking to the Community of Babylonian Iraqi Jews of Montreal. We will discuss why the Middle Eastern... read more →
I had a wonderful evening sharing Shoham's Bangle's story with the Iraqi Jewish community of Kahal Joseph in Los Angeles. I was humbled to hear their stories, and inspired to... read more →
I remember when I got married and moved to South Africa I felt very lost. I missed my family. I missed my grandmother. I missed the traditional Iraqi Jewish food... read more →
Mizrahi Heritage Month is over, and it feels a bit sad. A month long party of celebrating (and the solemn part) commemorating my Iraqi Jewish roots with the rest of... read more →