It's so wonderful and exciting to have Shoham's Bangle released this week. I have some lovely family fun events coming up to read, discuss and enjoy the Iraqi Jewish story... read more →
Here I write about the inspiration for my children's picture book Shoham's Bangle. Check it out on Kar-Ben Author Blog Posts.
Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Joe Samuels in Los Angeles. Joe is an author and businessman, but more importantly for me, a fellow Jewish Iraqi. In his nineties,... read more →
I need to visit the butcher and order a whole chicken. I need to explain to the butcher that the wholechicken must be left with enough skin so I can... read more →
The olives are blossoming, or do I write blooming, or just plain growing. Still too small and greento pick, but there. Just as it has grown too hot, and the... read more →
This is the way to find family, to know your great great grandfather was the Chacham Bashi of Iraq. Hisname was Chacham Moshe Chaim Shamash. Because I share my passion/obsession... read more →