Ayouni is a poem in the latest issue of Yad Mizrah Magazine RESIST - reflecting on my Iraqi Jewish two grandmothers - the tension and conflict of light and darkness,... read more →
I am very grateful to Lilith Magazine for publishing this poem - From the River to the Sea, from my award winning micro-chapbook published by Harbor Review online, This is... read more →
Thrilled to have this poem published in Mom Egg Review Online Poetry Folio on their special edition - Mothers Respond – MER Online Poetry Folio Curated by Jennifer Martelli and... read more →
So pleased to have this poem Let Us Talk about the Blood - about how we talk to our boys, how we grow up men, in this November issue of... read more →
It’s not every day you win an award, and I’m learning to relish every happy step of the journey, every affirmation which says, I may be obsessed but I’m on... read more →
Poetica Magazine, ADRPAward Third Place changing Ethiopian names is an old immigrant story my grandfather and his brothers were known by different last names don’t tell me who I am... read more →
Shlomi Hatuka interviewed by Sarah Sassoon First Published in Halah Magazine Sarah Sassoon: In a 2016 Forward Magazine article, Ayelet Tsabari described Ars Poetica as “the best party in town... read more →
I stand two feet hopping on the threshold I think of the children hands covering their ears one two three four hundred and sixty try think of lucky shooting stars... read more →
my grandmother believes in red blood flowers each woman has at least one many survive many do not I had no idea what this meant until now I am here... read more →
because this evening I burnt the dates charred like my grandmother’s heart I attempt another batch break open plump Medjools pry open pips boil until squashy enough to squeeze the... read more →